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Important Dates

Upcoming events and things to look out for

Summer Grading: The summer grading is coming up and we're looking forwards to having Sensei Martin back on Sunday the 23rd of June.

Inter-club training event: Also in June we are looking to host an inter-club event where Senshinryu members from all clubs will be welcome to train together at a four hour event and those who are eligible will be able to chose to grade this day if they wish to.  The event is being held at Bushi-jutsu Ryu in Titpton, the date is yet to be confirmed.

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Student of the month!

When training in karate, you get out what you put in. If you don't put in the effort, you won't get the results.
This section of the page is dedicated to honour one student each month. In ordered to be recognised a student will have shown great effort in the dojo, as well as making personal progress and showing true development in their karate.
Our student of the month for March is Logan!

One of our orange belts, Logan always comes into the dojo with a great attitude and intention to train at his best level. 

He has been working hard on improving his stances and has a very promising future in karate.

Well done Logan!

Sensei Joe

Martial Arts Class


What to expect:

Everybody who has ever done karate started off as a new student once. Some leave after one week and some train for 50, 60 or even 70+ years. Everyone's journey is different, so it's not for me to tell you exactly what you'll get out of karate. 
From Senshinryu, you will get a dedicated instructor who is there to help you through the good times and bad within karate. Somebody who will do their best to answer your questions with honesty and integrity and help give you the best experience they can whilst helping you progress on your own journey.
Achievements get recognised and there is as much pride from an instructor as there is from yourself when you have reached your goals.


Club instructor

Joe Hicks

Joe started his journey as a karateka in January 2013. All of this time Joe has trained directly under Shihan Peter Dennis, 9th Dan and chief instructor of Senshinryu karate. Peter is a highly accomplished and experienced karateka with over 55 years experience training and teaching karate. This includes competing at international and world competitions and coaching the English under 21's international team
As a low grade, Joe started getting extremely passionate about karate and quickly progressed through the low grades. he also started going to competitions in this time. These competitions drove Joe to work harder and he even went to the southwest regional training squad and trained under Rory Daniels, former world champion.
In November 2019 Joe achieved his first Dan black belt, after demonstrating passion, dedication and determination. Joe was also the assistant instructor of the Clevedon juniors karate club at the time.

In December 2022 Joe showed his further progression in karate and passed his second Dan black belt.
All of this training and preparation has bought Joe to the inevitable position of karate instructor. Something which is driven by his passion to share his knowledge and experience in karate.


Let’s Connect

Carlton Civic Centre, Long Lane, Worksop S81 9AP


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